What Do Sororities Look For?
Sororities Look for Prospective Members With…
SCHOLASTIC ABILITY: Since each sorority wishes to maintain a high chapter average, each must consider a potential new member’s ability to adhere to its scholastic standards and to attain the grade point average required for initiation into membership. Because one of the founding principles of all sororities is good scholarship, each group sets up study programs which include regular study hours, tutoring, and basic time-management suggestions. This is of value to any new college student. It is hoped that each girl pledged will place importance upon the completion of her education. Statistics have proven that, percentage-wise, more sorority members remain in school until graduation than the regular, non-affiliated students. Rank in class and SAT/ACT scores are considered during recruitment. SCHOLARSHIP IS ALWAYS A MAJOR PRIORITY AMONG SORORITIES. COMPATIBILITY: Sororities are based upon friendship, congeniality, and mutual ideals. The ability to get along with others and the enjoyment of being with people of diverse personalities are desirable qualities. Sorority life is based on family-type living which gives the each new a firm basis from which she can start her experiences in the new environment of college. Her new sisters are interested in promoting her welfare and in helping her adjust to her new surroundings. FRIENDSHIPS ESTABLISHED THROUGH A SORORITY WILL LAST A LIFETIME. INTEREST IN INVOLVEMENT: Those who are group-oriented and enjoy working with others are more likely to contribute to sorority operations and benefit from sorority membership. The potential new member’s list of activities in high school need not be long if there is indication that she has been an active participant rather than just a ‘joiner.’ INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS IS ENCOURAGED BY EVERY SORORITY. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Sororities are financed by the dues of their own members. Potential new members and their parents should be aware of the cost of sorority membership and be willing and able to accept this financial obligation. Costs vary from university to university, sorority to sorority. For specific information, contact the Panhellenic office at your campus. |